• Unique robotic system for digital laparoscopy in minimally invasive surgery increases precision and improves monitoring during the procedure.
Haptic feedback heightens the surgeon sensing of pressure/tension and in this way it adds another layer of security.
Eye-tracking camera control. The system can sense the surgeon's eye activity allowing camera control without using hands.
• Allows the surgeon to be seated in an ergonomically comfortable position throughout the procedure. The robotic arms provide the power of pause, allowing instruments to remain stable and stationary as the surgeon changes position.
• It integrates the latest imaging technologies, powered surgical instruments, ultrasound devices and it contains a portfolio of 3.5 and 10 mm tools and articulated tools of 5 and 10 mm in diameter.  3D/2D 4K HD monitor provides visualisation regarding depth and spatial relation of organs.
• It can be integrated into the existing operating theatre to minimise capital expenditures and maximise benefits.
• The automatic setting and monitoring guarantees that the tool is in the centre of the trocar which minimises the trauma caused by the cut.
The tools can be re-sterilised.
• The system is certified for use in general surgery, urology, gynaecology, paediatrics and chest surgery.

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